Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
June 26th, 2014

Super easy to make – dark chocolate peanut butter cups!
People come and go from our lives all the time. Not always in dramatic ways, sometimes it is just an ebb and flow of presence. Sometimes our relations – be it friendship or intimate relationships – are long and constant and other times they are sweet ephemeral bursts of connection.
Having lived in 5 different cities since I graduated from university, I have had my fair share of relationships come and go, but its never easy to say goodbye to someone who means something to you. It doesn’t have to be an epic relationship, but our hearts intertwine all the time with friends and lovers, and while we can physically disconnect from another quite easily in this modern world, it is not as simple for the heart. Continue reading “Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups”
Tags: agave, almond flour, coconut oil, peanut butter, raw cacao
Posted in dairy free, dessert, egg-free, gluten-free, indulgent, Life, raw, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free No Comments »
Roasted Strawberries
April 20th, 2014

Super easy to make, oven roasted strawberries.
Are you loving Spring so far? No matter where you live, Spring can be a mixed-bag. The excitement of warmer days can get momentarily crushed by a surprise snow storm and the beauty of spring blossoms can also bring allergies for some. Personally, I feel like it is all worth it though. The days get longer, the sunshine in warmer and fuller, the wind is not as harsh, and there is color everywhere. The New Mexican browns become peppered with pinks, reds, peaches, greens and yellows. My smile gets bigger with every day. Continue reading “Roasted Strawberries”
Tags: maple syrup, strawberries
Posted in breakfast, dairy free, dessert, egg-free, fruit, gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free No Comments »
Tuscan Minestrone Soup
February 25th, 2014

Hearty Tuscan Minestrone Soup
Some of the best Tuscan recipes were once simply known as peasant food in Italy. One of my favorite Tuscan dishes when I was living in Florence, Italy was Ribollita. Literally, the word ribollita mean re-boiled. This recycled soup is a combination of leftover minestrone soup and stale Tuscan bread. It is hard to re-create outside of Tuscany because the key ingredient to it’s texture is Tuscan bread. If you don’t already know, Tuscan bread is made without salt which makes reusing it in soup a perfect ingredient. Try making ribollita with salty breads and you will not get the same result. Believe me, I tried in the past and was not pleased. Continue reading “Tuscan Minestrone Soup”
Posted in dairy free, egg-free, entree, gluten-free, soup/stew, vegan, vegetable side, vegetarian, wheat-free No Comments »
Lemon Ginger Granola – Gluten Free
November 22nd, 2013

A little crunch, a little sweet and a little gingery kick!
Day three of cloud-filled skies here in Santa Fe. Whew my tolerance is being tested. Yes, I grew up in New England, yes I am used to months of inclement, gray, rainy weather…but I voluntarily left it. I know that this weather will pass, and we will be back to daily sunshine here soon enough…but right now the prognosis is 5 straight days of gloom. Sort of like a bad rash… So I am trying to find activities to get me through! Continue reading “Lemon Ginger Granola – Gluten Free”
Tags: agave, almonds, buckwheat, chia seeds, coconut, coconut oil, crystalized ginger, granola, lemon, oats, sunflower seeds
Posted in alternative grain, breakfast, dairy free, egg-free, gluten-free, snacks, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free 1 Comment »
Lemon Basil Chickpea Salad
September 28th, 2013

Open-faced sandwich with tomatoes
I play around a lot in the kitchen. Which involves dancing, singing and definitely creative liberty. This is something that I am learning even more about in the Nia classes that I have been attending for the past 2 months. I am loving it! Personally, I have fun dancing, but don’t stay up late enough to go to clubs anymore, so Nia is great. Nothing like going to a dance party in the middle of the day! Continue reading “Lemon Basil Chickpea Salad”
Tags: basil, celery, chickpea, lemon, lunch, sandwich
Posted in dairy free, egg-free, entree, gluten-free, salad, snacks, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free No Comments »
Swiss Chard and Sweet Potato Savory Pie
July 4th, 2013

Gluten free savory pie with sweet potatoes and swiss chard.
I have been making this pie a LOT this summer. For those of you who are confused by the idea of a savory pie one could also call it a dairy-free/gluten-free quiche, or a frittata with a crust. However you name it, it is delicious and easy to make! I was inspired by Green Kitchen Stories’ Perfect Picnic Pie recipe, and have been playing with the recipe ever since. Their recipe is excellent, and you should check out their site too…it is one of my favorite veg friendly food blogs of-late.
I love that they call it a Perfect Picnic Pie because it is such a cute title, and so appropriate for the Fourth of July. For those of you that are hanging out with family for a long weekend, or on a getaway with friends, this is a great dish to bring along and you don’t even have to tell people it is gluten-free. I bet you they won’t be able to tell. Continue reading “Swiss Chard and Sweet Potato Savory Pie”
Tags: eggs, picnic, sweet potatoes, swiss chard
Posted in alternative grain, breakfast, dairy free, entree, gluten-free, vegetable side, vegetarian, wheat-free 4 Comments »
Peanut Butter Granola – Gluten Free
May 27th, 2013

Peanut butter, raisins and whole grain goodness.
A few days ago I had a revelation. I don’t remember what inspired it, but I remember feeling like it was a genius idea! Peanut. Butter. Granola. I have been on a kick lately with my granola. Not obsessive or anything, but definitely every-so-often mixing up a batch and enjoying it for a few mornings in a row before it runs out. For the most part I have been sticking to my Fig-Walnut Granola recipe until I moved.
Continue reading “Peanut Butter Granola – Gluten Free”
Tags: buckwheat, chia seeds, coconut flakes, granola, oats, peanut butter, raisins, sunflower seeds
Posted in alternative grain, breakfast, dairy free, egg-free, gluten-free, snacks, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free 1 Comment »
Fig-Walnut Granola – Gluten Free
April 26th, 2013

Gluten Free Figs, Walnuts, Buckwheat and more!
This was the last bowl of my latest batch of homemade gluten-free granola, and boy do I miss it! Thankfully this granola recipe is so easy to whip up, that I don’t feel like I have to put aside too much time to create the next batch. Often I will mix up a batch before I settle-in to watch one of my favorite evening shows, and while I am laughing at Jessica Day and Nick Miller as they navigate their attraction to one another, or traveling through time and space with the Doctor and his companion, the intoxicating smell of oven-warmed granola is filling my home. Continue reading “Fig-Walnut Granola – Gluten Free”
Tags: buckwheat, coconut, fig, granola, oats, walnut
Posted in alternative grain, breakfast, dairy free, egg-free, gluten-free, snacks, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free 1 Comment »
Vegan Chocolate Avocado Pudding
March 27th, 2013

Rich. Creamy. Vegan. Pudding.
I have been enjoying homemade Vegan Chocolate Avocado Pudding for over a year now, but it is one of those recipes that seems so easy to make that I have been hesitating to put it up on the blog… Not because I think it is too obvious to share, on the contrary, I think people are quite surprised by the idea of making pudding out of avocados. My real road block was that I considered it such and easy recipe that I never actually measure the ingredients. I just mix and keep adjusting until it tastes good.
But, I have finally measured out the ingredients so that I can officially share the recipe with those of you who are excited about a super easy way to make some indulgent chocolate pudding. It only takes a few minutes to whip up and you don’t have to cook, simmer, stir or wait for the pudding to settle. The avocados are a perfect agent for pudding. Continue reading “Vegan Chocolate Avocado Pudding”
Tags: agave, avocado, chocolate, raw cacao
Posted in breakfast, dairy free, dessert, egg-free, gluten-free, indulgent, raw, snacks, vegan, vegetarian, wheat-free 2 Comments »